How often have you heard something like the following? —I’m a doer. I don’t spend time on books or academic thinking or intellectual stuff. That’s just a distraction from getting things …
10 Leadership Lessons from Mozilla CEO Firing
This post, from a notable business event in 2014, continues to have resonance. There has been much celebration and consternation over the forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich. Much of …
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Margaret Thatcher Leadership | Tigress Surrounded by Hamsters
The London Daily Telegraph eulogizes "the greatest peacetime prime minister." …
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Charles de Gaulle | People Get History They Deserve
21st Century Leadership Principle | People Are Greatest Asset
How often have we heard the mantra: Our people are our greatest asset. Now, in the new world of 21st century leadership, it's actually true. …
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Values | 21st Century Competitive Advantage
Values | 21st Century Competitive Advantage …
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