Chuck Close was one of the great artists of our time. The book Wisdom, by Andrew Zuckerman, includes the following from Close: …
Ralph Waldo Emerson | Serve and Be Served
Prophet or Politician
At hinge points in a leader’s journey, there is often a recurring question: Will one serve as a prophet…or a politician? This is manifestly evident in some situations. For example, Theodore …
Volkswagen Values
Der Speigel puts the issue plainly: Is Volkswagen committing suicide? How can the iconic automaker restore its position? The Volkswagen problem and its solution are a matter of values. …
13 Leadership Lessons World War I
The Great War of 1914-18—it became the First World War only in tragic retrospect—was the seminal event of the 20th century. Its after-effects reverberate in our day. One might argue that the 20th …
21st Century Food Safety Regulations | Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, etc.
The Washington Post reports "A new method against genetically modified salmon: Get retailers to refuse to sell it." With the U.S. Food & Drug Administration signaling its prospective approval of …
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