Ask almost anyone, and they’ll you they’re focused on serving rising generations.
Nonetheless, many people are, in actuality, answering more to older generations than they may realize.
The Dead Hand of History
History can offer tremendous value, helping us wend our way through the present, into the future.
That is not the same as uncritically adopting points of view from the past.
What Generation Are You Answering To?
Doctors, lawyers, the clergy, and some others are guardians of tradition. They preserve and protect authority. Their extended formal education and subsequent training may cultivate instincts of compliance with familiar norms and nostrums.
Depending on how they comprehend and apply it, that background may make them better able to serve rising generations. Or not.
Ironically, the voices from the past who offer the most today may be those who, in their own time, were innovative. They were audacious in challenging the status quo. They were so effective that their accomplishments have created a new status quo.
What about you?
What generations’ voices are heard—and heeded—in the theatre of your mind?
Who are you serving?