A highly intelligent female friend of mine recently broke up with her longtime companion. In an extensive conversation, she recounted what worked and what didn’t over the course of their …
Agnes de Mille | Destiny Arrives Silently
Formal Education | Not Emblems of Entitlement
Daniel R Murphy | Eisenhower Time Management
In 1989 Stephen R. Covey published his best seller, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The book popularized what he called the “The Time Management Matrix.” Many readers may have been …
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George HW Bush RIP
The death of President George HW Bush on November 30, 2018, marks the end of an era. The commemoration and celebration of the service of the late president and his family was historic. …
Prophet or Politician
At hinge points in a leader’s journey, there is often a recurring question: Will one serve as a prophet…or a politician? This is manifestly evident in some situations. For example, Theodore …