How often have you heard something like the following? —I’m a doer. I don’t spend time on books or academic thinking or intellectual stuff. That’s just a distraction from getting things …
Margaret Thatcher Leadership | Tigress Surrounded by Hamsters
The London Daily Telegraph eulogizes "the greatest peacetime prime minister." …
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Charles de Gaulle | People Get History They Deserve
Millennials | Unsustainable Individualism?
New York Times columnist Ross Douthat furrows his brow that we’re living in an age of untrammeled individualism. Douthat's expression of concern is prompted by an extensive poll of Millennials from …
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George Bernard Shaw | All Progress Depends on Unreasonable Man
Mohamed Bouazizi | The Contagion of Courage
The raging wildfire of change sweeping the Middle East for more than a decade was set by the self-immolation of a twenty-six year-old Tunisian fruit seller, Mohamed Bouazizi. …
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