There is no limit to the greatness of the future before America, before our beloved land. But we can realize it only if we are Americans, if we are nationalists, with all the fervor of our hearts and …
Beware Generational Chauvinism
Generational chauvinism is rampant today. Many if not most people regard their generation as superior to all others. They presume themselves more enlightened than other generations. Such an …
Is the Child Father to the Man?
Looking back, a man really has a more objective feeling about himself as a child than he has about his father or mother. He feels as if that child were not the present he, individually, but an …
First Responder to the Future
Edward Emerson wrote the foreword to his late father's collected writings. It begins: Like all great thinkers, Ralph Waldo Emerson was ahead of his time. We, rather than the people who surrounded …
Thomas Jefferson | Inform Public Discretion
Coach Billy Fitzgerald | An Ecosystem of Excellence
The acclaimed Coach Billy Fitzgerald has retired. He is known, far and wide, simply as "Coach Fitz." His forty-year career as coach and teacher has left an extraordinary mark. I would have …
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