Recently I happened upon some criticism, tinged with disappointment, about President Kennedy. Some people are apparently astonished that he prepared for, indeed rehearsed, his outstanding televised …
Leadership and Service
The highest level of leadership is service. The highest level of service is leadership. At the highest level, service and leadership become one. Serve to lead. …
Washington and Lincoln and Presidents Day
It used to be the Washington's Birthday holiday (and still is in at least a few places). Now, Presidents' Day is the official, national standard. Some traditionalists no doubt are grumbling, as …
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M.S. Rao, Ph.D | Success Tools for CEO Coaches
International leadership guru Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D., is exceptionally prolific. His new book is Success Tools for CEO Coaches: Be a Learner, Leader and Ladder. Success Tools has been …
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21st Century Leadership vs 20th Century Leadership
Serve to Lead argues that 21st Century Leadership, Management and Communication are quite distinct from the 20th Century model. The graphic below catalogs the changes that are ongoing. What do …
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Leadership in Age of Involuntary Transparency
WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange shook the world with his disclosure of thousands of confidential and secret documents involving U.S. foreign policy. In an interview with Forbes, Assange pointed …
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