Every day we experience changes in how people live and work, how they lead and manage and communicate. It's not self-regarding for current generations to recognize that some of the results are …
W H Murray | Until One is Committed
What will you begin today? …
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Next Year’s Words, Another Voice
Serve to Lead Blog
Thank you for visiting the Serve to Lead blog. This website is a living resource dedicated to your reaching your highest level of performance, and contributing your greatest value, in the new world …
What Did You Learn?
A highly intelligent female friend of mine recently broke up with her longtime companion. In an extensive conversation, she recounted what worked and what didn’t over the course of their …
Are You Being Born–or Busy Dying?
[H]e not busy being born is busy dying. --Bob Dylan, "It's Alright, Ma, (I'm Only Bleeding)" OK, it may sound harsh, but Dylan is exactly right.... and we all know it. When you look hard at your …