The simplest theory of Warren Buffett is that a lot of his value-add comes from his ability [to combine characteristics that many suppose to be contradictory]. The trick is to be …
John Wooden Legacy | A Masterpiece of Service
Coach John Wooden famously urged everyone to "make every day a masterpiece." Perhaps his most enduring legacy will be his example, his own life as a 'masterpiece of service.' Coach Wooden has a …
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What Generation Are You Answering To?
Ask almost anyone, and they’ll you they’re focused on serving rising generations. Nonetheless, many people are, in actuality, answering more to older generations than they may realize. …
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Frank Sonnenberg | Keep Things in Perspective
One of the most valuable skills you can have is the ability to think clearly and rationally—to process information, exhibit good judgment, engage in intelligent problem solving, and make smart …
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William Blake | Lion and Fox
Eagles and Sparrows
Serve to Lead identifies an emerging trend of 21st century leadership: private lives becoming interwoven with public lives. That trend is becoming ever more conspicuous. Where are we now? …