Many people automatically think of leaders as isolated individuals. That's got a kernel of truth, even in our digital, collaborative age. Of course, leaders, by definition, don't work alone. One of …
Reckenrich & Anderson | Jeff Koons and the Art of Leadership
This piece is written by Professors Joerg Reckenrich and Jamie Anderson of the Antwerp Management School. More information and links to the authors can be found below. ## Leadership is of central …
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Destruction Is Not Creation
Few people create masterworks. On the other hand, almost anyone can efface--or even destroy--works of excellence. Individuals today can find the means to destroy the work of ages. All too often we …
Pablo Picasso | Creation Requires Destruction
Would You Have Signed Declaration of Independence?
Would you have signed the Declaration of Independence? Before you arch an eyebrow and glance up with some annoyance from your relaxing morning coffee—in appalled disbelief that anyone would manifest …
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Dueling Dualities | False Binaries
The simplest theory of Warren Buffett is that a lot of his value-add comes from his ability [to combine characteristics that many suppose to be contradictory]. The trick is to be …