Recently I happened upon some criticism, tinged with disappointment, about President Kennedy. Some people are apparently astonished that he prepared for, indeed rehearsed, his outstanding televised …
Leadership and Service
The highest level of leadership is service. The highest level of service is leadership. At the highest level, service and leadership become one. Serve to lead. …
Washington and Lincoln and Presidents Day
It used to be the Washington's Birthday holiday (and still is in at least a few places). Now, Presidents' Day is the official, national standard. Some traditionalists no doubt are grumbling, as …
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Performance Artists | Presidential Leadership from Lincoln to Reagan
The Ronald W. Reagan Society at Eureka College strives to advance the leadership legacy of America's 40th president. In 2014 I was honored to speak at the Society's annual celebration …
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Reagan Leadership Quotation | Service First
adapted from Reagan on Leadership. Reagan Leadership Quotation | Service First …
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Michael McKinney | Authentic Service
James Strock writes that effective leadership is about serving others. In fact, “the only effective leadership,” he says, “is focused resolutely on serving others. It is no longer an option or a …
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