Edmund Morris was best known as the author of an acclaimed triptych on Theodore Roosevelt. He’s one of the best of the notable group of popular historians who rose to fame in the 1970s and 1980s, …
Professor M.S. Rao | Soft Leadership
Professor M.S.Rao is an international leadership guru and an internationally acclaimed executive coach, educator, author, speaker, and consultant. He earned a PhD in Soft Skills in 2011. He has 34 …
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Tip Hotel Housekeepers
Do you tip hotel housekeepers? Most people would never neglect to provide a tip for a bellman or restaurant wait staff. Yet many people apparently don't provide for hotel housekeepers. Surely we …
Theodore Levitt | What Business Are You Really In?
Bob Morris Interview | Great Leaders, Part Two
Bob Morris, a renowned book reviewer and leadership expert in business and beyond, generously interviewed me recently. The interview is in two parts, and is reprinted here with permission. Please …
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Bob Morris Interview | Great Leaders, Part One
Bob Morris, a renowned reviewer and leadership expert in business and beyond, generously interviewed me about leadership. The interview is in two parts, and is reprinted here with …
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