UPDATE: Allegations of unethical practices continue to emerge, including services to China, and conflict of interest arising amid McKinsey's simultaneous business with pharmaceutical companies and …
Millennials | Unsustainable Individualism?
New York Times columnist Ross Douthat furrows his brow that we’re living in an age of untrammeled individualism. Douthat's expression of concern is prompted by an extensive poll of Millennials from …
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21st Century Leadership Principle | People Are Greatest Asset
How often have we heard the mantra: Our people are our greatest asset. Now, in the new world of 21st century leadership, it's actually true. …
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Samuel Johnson | Happiness and Envy
The following Samuel Johnson quotation, from The Lives of the Poets, is the epigraph to Colonel Roosevelt, by Edmund Morris: …
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Rehearsing Leadership
Recently I happened upon some criticism, tinged with disappointment, about President Kennedy. Some people are apparently astonished that he prepared for, indeed rehearsed, his outstanding televised …
Leadership and Service
The highest level of leadership is service. The highest level of service is leadership. At the highest level, service and leadership become one. Serve to lead. …